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Schools’ role in supporting teenagers – Ms. Monika Chhabra, Principal

Schools’ role in supporting teenagers Adolescence is a tumultuous time where rapid social, emotional, cognitive and physical developments take place. For teenagers, they often face an identity crisis where they struggle to cement their morals and values, opinions and decide which groups to identify with. Volatile behaviour is a natural characteristic of teenage. As educators we should be able to […]

Prepare Your Child To Become A Global Citizen With MIS International School!

The basis for lifelong learning and personality is laid in early childhood. Early childhood experiences influence children’s ability to learn, get along with others and respond to daily stressors and obstacles. Young children’s emotional, social, and physical development all have an impact on their total growth and the adult they will become.That is why it is critical to recognise the […]

MIS International School – The Right Choice for Your Child’s Future!

Modern children are preparing to become tomorrow’s adult citizens. Their growth is linked to our nation’s future. As recommended by the current education system, a school must instill interest in young, sensitive minds and provide them with the skills they need to become better human beings. It is commonly acknowledged that the learning process plays an essential role in forming […]

Pedagogy at MIS International School

Pedagogy is the study of teaching and learning concerning predetermined educational goals. Two entities are engaged in the teaching-learning process: the instructor and the pupil. Pedagogy serves as a communication link between the two.  It includes the procedures that the instructor will use to deliver a lesson and the techniques for assessing the student’s response to the transmitted knowledge.  Pedagogy, […]

Improving Personality With Co-curricular Activities at MIS International School

One of the abilities for increasing problem-solving and critical thinking skills is student interaction. Students’ participation in the classroom enhances their thinking capacity, raises fresh doubts, and most significantly, improves their learning power. Therefore, solid communication skills are essential for academic achievement, starting with effective communication. Schools allow students to work in groups to enhance their communication abilities. Student involvement […]



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